Monday, April 13, 2009

belitung trip

gw baru aja balik dari belitung trip sama tiwi & dea-si-(calon)-adek-ipar selama long wiken kemaren. belitung is sooo beautiful. just see the pictures here. trust me, once you see the beaches, you'll want to go there again.
i want to write a lot about our trip here (fyi, we planned the whole trip by ourselves), but unfortunately i have to back to work after my 3 days disappearance without office report (at all). :D
here, i’d like to send my thanks to :
  • mas agus dari levi tour yang sangat membantu dalam memberikan informasi mengenai akomodasi di belitung. anyone, if you want to go there, just contact him on 0817271339. :)
  • mas rudy, pengelola kelayang cottage yang sangat ramah. fyi, kelayang cottage is a nice place. bersih dan paaas banget depan laut.
  • pak antek, driver yang sekalian jd guide selama perjalanan. i owe him for drive me to the city to buy some medicines. yes, dodolnya gw sempet sakit disana. huff..
  • pak supar, boat capten yang tetep stay cool di tengah ombak yg cukup gede dengan membawa 6 penumpang tanpa alat keselamatan dan kasih senyum super manis doang tiap ditanya "yakin gapapa, pak?" :))
belitung, see you again someday!


  1. Whoo..nothing's more excited than holiday!!
    Jalan2 terus lan..mumpung blm married..hehe..

  2. iya mba, udah injury time nih.. hihihi..

  3. poto2 kemaren yang bikin iri... duh.. kapan gua kesana ya? xixixi... hohoho jadi itu the last trip before married ya? xixixi

  4. iyes, last vacation before married. hihihi..
    iya mba, harus kesana! 45 mins only from Jak dan disananya ga mahal kok.. tinggal hunting tiket pesawat murah.

    kl bisa berangkat berlima lumayan hemat banget disana. pm aja kl butuh info yaa..

  5. glittering beach, great picture, best seashore. paradise...hohoho..

    the most beautiful beach, isn't?

    i will go diving someday @ belitung. inside of i am afraid w/ sea..:)

  6. maybe not the most but you really have to go there. ;)

  7. hey, salam kenal yah..
    Aku ada rencana mau ke Belitung niy, ada masukan gak? Secara brangkat sendiri dan gak ikutan paketan, sempet gak PD tp skrg udah bodo amat dey, hajaaarr, hehehe, thank you yah.. :)

  8. halo,,boleh minta bantuannya?!bagi teman2 yg udh pernah k belitung, tolong bantu isi kuisioner di link ini y:

    saya sedang melakukan penelitian skripsi ttg faktor2 ......yg mempengaruhi wisatwan datang k belitung.trims:)
