Saturday, October 31, 2009

This Is It

It's been almost a week in Singapore. Last night, me and hubby went to Cathay to watch "Michael Jackson's This Is It" and unexpectedly, I enjoyed the movie. I'm not a fan of MJ, not even close. But I was touched by the way he tried to get the perfection of every scene and the way he treated and appreciated others. He was very humble and nice to everyone. Now I know why people love him. :)

Btw, tomorrow we have to go back to Suwon. Anyooooong! 


  1. bagus ya lan? kabarnya di Indo cuma boleh beredar 2 minggu.
    btw, postcardnya nyantai ajah... sesempetnya ajah :)

  2. udah di suwon lagi lan..
    anyong seo *hehehe bener ga tuh nulisnya*
